Here you will find last-minute discount on restaurants
Opdateret d. 05.05.2022 (Version 2.34)
Disse brugsvilkår og betingelser, samt vores persondata- og cookiepolitik (samlede vilkår) udgør din aftale med Restaurant 2 Night ApS (R2N).
De samlede vilkår vedrører domænet og R2N mobilapplikationen til iPhone og Android, herefter blot kaldet (R2Ns) platforme.
De samlede vilkår gælder, når du benytter R2Ns platforme, fx til at booke bord, købe take away eller blot søge information.
Hvis du er restauratør og samarbejder med R2N, er du også underlagt de samlede vilkår, udover din almindelige kontrakt med R2N.
Vi opfordrer til, at læse de samlede vilkår, før du bruger R2Ns platforme og ønsker dig god læselyst.
Vi forbeholder os retten til at revidere de samlede vilkår fra tid til anden, hvorved du automatisk vil være nødsaget til at godkende dem på ny, ved booking eller køb af take away.
Hvis du ikke kan acceptere de samlede vilkår, så benyt venligst ikke R2Ns platforme.
I R2N Go delen af appen, er det muligt, at købe udvalgte take away retter og tilbehør til afhentning, hos de spisesteder der fremgår af platformen.
Vi elsker vores brugere, og vil altid gerne tale med jer. Tjek dog først vores FAQ og se om svaret på dit spørgsmål skulle gemme sig der. Ellers kan du altid fange os på både telefon og mail. Kontaktoplysningerne fremgår af både website og app. Vi tilstræber at svare på skriftlige henvendelser inden for 48 timer i hverdagene.
R2N har ejendomsret over platformene og tjenesten. R2N platformene indeholder ophavsretligt beskyttet materiale, varemærker og andre immaterielle rettigheder. Du må ikke kopiere, redigere, offentliggøre, overføre, distribuere, opføre, reproducere, licensere, skabe afledte værker fra, overføre visning eller sælge eller gensælge sådanne immaterielle rettigheder eller ejendomsretlige oplysninger.
Du må ej heller forsøge at misbruge vores platforme ved fx hacking eller scraping af vores indhold.
Alle rettigheder, der ikke skulle komme til udtryk af de samlede vilkår, forbeholdes.
Vi forsøger selvsagt, at have en "oppetid" på 100%, men hvad kan gå galt, vil gå galt, og R2N kan ikke holdes ansvarlige hvis platformene ikke er tilgængelige i en given periode.
Nedenstående vilkår gør sig altid gældende når R2N afholder konkurrencer, med mindre andet er angivet i den specifikke konkurrence.
Last update: 03-05-2018
Version 2.57
R2N is a data controller in accordance with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This applies to both registration of data and automatically collected data, on and the mobile app "R2N" for iPhone and Android, hereinafter referred to as "R2N's platforms".
Contact info on the data controller:
Restaurant 2 Night ApS
Vestergade 16, 3. floor
1456 København K
CVR-number.: 32295401
Phone.: 30 95 00 29
First and foremost, you should know that it is of great importance to R2N, that you as a customer feel safe and secure when using the R2N platforms.
We handle responsibly the data you provide for us and the data that we collect from your use of R2N's platforms with respect for your private life and in accordance with applicable laws, including the Act on Processing of Personal Data.
The latest date of updates and/or amendments of the privacy and cookie policy will always appear in the upper part of the policy.
We register the data (name, mobile number, email) you provide when entering information in connection to creating a user profile on the R2N platforms. We also register the code you choose, but the code is encrypted so we cannot view it.
We store your personal data in order to administer and serve you as a user on our platforms, in relation to booking of restaurant- and cafe visits, hereinafter "restaurant visits".
R2N registers the following data in regards to your restaurant visits, using the R2N platforms:
We also register the zip code of the first restaurant that you book on, as "your zip code", which you can see and change under your R2N profile.
We do this to serve you as a user on our platforms, and to have the opportunity to give you better automated restaurant suggestions on our platforms and in our newsletters, in regards to your personal preferences.
You have the opportunity to write reviews of your R2N restaurant visits, that will be published on the R2N platforms. It is up to you whether you want your full name published, or just your first name.
In this event we will register the following data:
Data, identifying which parts of the website that are visited most and how, is registered in both logfiles, heatmaps and recordings of user behavior, that are stored together with the IP address of the user, operating system, language, time/date and what type of "device" (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), that was used.
These data are strictly used when further developing the website and error correction, thus optimizing it according to the users' needs.
When using the R2N platforms we collect and use information about your location, if you have instructed your device to send such information to us via the privacy settings on that device.
We do this to serve you as a user on our platforms and have the opportunity to show you your location on a map, calculate distances to restaurants, and send you relevant push messages with nearby restaurants, when you enter the so called push geozones.
You can change the privacy settings of your Device at any time, in order to turn off the functionality to share location information us.
Please note that turning off location sharing will affect certain features of our platforms. If you have any queries about the privacy settings of your device, we suggest you contact the manufacturer of your device for help.
Cookies are being used on the R2N platforms for multiple purposes that you can read about here.
A cookie is a small text file that are stored in browsers. In apps they are often referred to as "identifiers", but they work in a similar way. Therefore, we will in this policy refer to all these technologies as "cookies", and computers, smartphones, tablets etc., as "devices".
Cookies can do a lot of different things, on our platforms they for example keep track on what is happening during your visit and helps recognize your device. This is helpful to you, if you by mistake close down in the middle of the booking process, then our cookie will tell your browser what you were doing, which makes it easier to finish the booking.
A cookie is in no way harmful to your device.
We use cookies for; The platforms general functionality, Statistics and tracking and marketing purposes. These purposes will be reviewed here, and further down you can view a complete list of all the cookies we use on the R2N platforms.
Vi use cookies to track the traffic on our platforms and how they interact with them. For this purpose, we use third party cookies that different online tools provide for us for example Google Analytics, and
It is important for us to know if the marketing is working. That is why we use cookies to measure Facebook, newsletters (ubivox) and Google AdWords efficiency.
Below you can see a complete list of cookies being used on our platforms.
Cookie name | Supplier | Purpose | Platform | Expiration |
e9e123fb2933244f327efb3681b2539c | R2N | Is used to remember a visitors choice of language | Web | Session |
r2nfirsttime | R2N | Is used to remember whether the visitor has received a given popup. To not concern the visitor with the same popup in the future | Web | 1 Month |
exit_popup | R2N | Is used to remember whether the visitor has received a given popup. To not concern the visitor with the same popup in the future | Web | 5 days |
cookieconsent_status2 | R2N | Is used to remember if the user has accepted R2N's usage of cookies, so we can hide the banner informing the user about our use of cookies | Web | 1 Year |
entrypage | R2N | Is used to remember which the page a user has arrived to the first time they entered the site on a given day | Web | 1 day |
__utma __utmb __utmc __utmt __utmz _ga |
Google Analytics | To collect information regarding the browsing of users on the site, in order to know the reason for their original visit and other similar statistical data. Names, surnames and addresses from which users connect are not obtained. | Web | Mixed |
__cfduid __zlcmid __zpriv __zlcid |
Zopim | Zopim allows us to live chat in order to provide support and directly solve our clients' and users' doubts. | Web | Mixed |
SL_C_23361dd035530_KEY SL_C_23361dd035530_SID SL_C_23361dd035530_VID |
R2N | Not classified | Web | 2 Year |
mid rur |
Not classified | Web | 20 Year Session |
csrftoken | Is used by Instagram to remove the possibility that pages like R2N, misuses a visitors Instagram account | Web | 1 Year | |
bcookie bscookie linkedin_oauth_77em337vznrbc4 linkedin_oauth_77em337vznrbc4_crc lang lidc visit |
Is used as a part of the websites social media plugins. | Web | Mixed | |
fr | Is used by facebook to deliver various ad-services, including realtime-offers from thirdparty-advertisers. | Web | 3 Months | |
smartlookCookie | Smartlook | Smartlook is used to analyse whether users have run into UX problems | Web | Session |
Your consent applies to all the R2N platforms.
It is easy to remove browser cookies, but please beware that you risk that will not perform as intended. You can read more here.
Your mobile operating system may let you opt-out from having certain device identifiers used. You should refer to the instructions provided by your smartphones' manufacturer; this information is typically available under the "settings" function of your smartphone.
R2N uses Google Analytics to analyze the activities on the platforms. This is done to optimize the platforms and make them more user-friendly. In connection to this, cookies, among other things, are used to keep statistics regarding the number of users, time spent on the platforms and also which sub-pages are visited.
In order to maintain this function, Google also leaves cookies on your device.
The used IP address is passed on to Google for the use of Google Analytics surveys.
Please see section 1.5 above on how to avoid these cookies.
It is also possible generally to opt out of the Google Analytics surveys. For further information, please go to this link
Employees at R2N, whose job it is to serve you as a customer and process your personal data, have access to the collected personal data. These employees only have access to see and use your data to the extent this is necessary in order to serve and administer you as a customer or to comply with the applicable laws.
R2N only passes on information to our partner restaurants in relation to bookings on our platform, and in accordance to the consent given by you.
Personal information passed to restaurants is: Name and mobile number
Information in regards to reservation: Time, date, number of persons, discount and if the user is connected to the business class program.
R2N monitors the users use of the platforms to ensure that the terms of use are respected and to prevent cheating with the discount.
According to the applicable laws, including the Act on Processing of Personal Data, your personal information must be kept safely and confidentially. We store your personal information in Cloud IT-systems with controlled and restricted access, and on servers that are placed at specifically secured facilities at IBM Amsterdam.
Data regarding you as a customer, as specified in 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are kept for as long time, as is necessary to administer you as a customer, or furthermore to comply with the applicable laws, including the Payment Services Act, the Act on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, the Bookkeeping Act, and the Act on Processing of Personal Data.
This entails that;Please remember, that you always have "the right to be forgotten". Just delete your R2N user profile and the customer relationship is terminated, and your personal data will instantly be deleted from our management-systems Any backup data will also be deleted after 30 days.
This privacy and cookie policy can be altered.
The latest date of updates and/or amendments to the privacy and cookie policy will always appear in the upper part of the policy. In the event of significant changes, this will be announced by a noticeable message on your platforms.
As a registered user on R2N, you have a right to gain insight into what data are registered about you according to the Act on Processing of Personal Data.
If this information or data, which are being processed about you, is incorrect or misleading, you can require that this data is corrected, deleted or blocked.
At any time, you can object to the processing of data regarding you. Furthermore, at any time you can withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data. Please note that our processing of personal data in general is necessary in order for you to be a user on R2N and for us to serve you.
By logging onto, you can quickly get an overview of most of the data registered about you for example your user data and restaurant visits.
If you have any further questions regarding what data about you that is registered with R2N, and how it is processed, please contact:
R2N Support, telephone 3095 0029
Via contact form on
Via e-mail to:
Or by letter to:
Restaurant 2 Night ApS
Frederiksberggade 2, 5. sal
1459 København K
R2N is as a data controller subject to the provisions in the Act on Processing of Personal Data on the processing of personal information. The Act on Processing of Personal Data is administered by the Danish Data Protection Agency.
If you experience an infringement of your personal life during the use of the R2N platforms, or any other interaction with R2N, you can file a complaint to the Data Protection Agency about the practice of R2N.
The contact information for the Data Protection Agency follows below:
Borgergade 28, 5.
1300 København K
Telephone: 33 19 32 00
Fax: 33 19 32 18
Smag autentiske og smagfulde napolitanske pizzaer hos Betty Boops Pizza Lab i Friheden Butikscenter
* Discount on the entire bill
One fine body…
You will now be redirected to the restaurants website. REMEMBER to make your reservation through to get your discount.
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