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Restaurants in Copenhagen

Below you can see all the restaurants which are located in Copenhagen, who R2N has a cooperation with. You can read more about Copenhagen further down.

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Dining in Copenhagen

The Restaurants in Copenhagen continuously work towards giving you as a guest more value, in order to keep the high standard of cooking, that Denmark has become famous for ever since Restaurant Noma climbed to the top of the Michelin list of recommendable restaurants.

Also new concepts arrive all the time like “bring your own wine” and Raw Food restaurants. Over the next few years, several of the restaurants located in Copenhagen are expected to start offering service after midnight.

Copenhagen has become known for offering restaurants of a high quality, and a wide variety of national and international cuisines. In the past six years, several of the best restaurants in Copenhagen has been awarded with the prestigious Michelin stars.

Last-minute offers at restaurants

Like most other cities with a great deal of competition, the restaurants in Copenhagen are also looking for new ways to fill their last empty seats every night. This is why Restaurant 2 Night (www.r2n.dk) can offer a large number of quality last-minute offers at Copenhagen restaurants. Every day from 10am the daily offers are released and you can book a table with up to 50% discount.

Unlike other discount concepts the R2N-offers always are on the whole bill (food and drinks) and you can choose whatever you like from the menu.

Several different taste experiences

The chefs at the gourmet restaurants in Copenhagen are known to make use of fresh Nordic ingredients, to give the flavours an extra touch and create the unique experience of Nordic cooking.

Restaurant Nyhavn

Copenhagen is traditionally known to have a lot of restaurants serving seafood, because of the easy access to fresh fish from Øresund. However, because of the fact that the Danes are so fond of meat it is usually also possible to get one or two meat dishes at the restaurants that specialize in seafood.

When visiting Copenhagen you will have the opportunity to make your way to one of the many ecological restaurants, which offer meals in a broad price range. Several of the R2N collaborating restaurants will be offering you a long variety of delicious vegetarian courses.

If you are not looking for Nordic or vegetarian cuisine, there are several restaurants, located in Copenhagen, which have a more exotic and spicy theme to their menus. If you are indeed looking for a spicy meal you should make your way to one of the Mexican or Indian restaurants in Copenhagen. These restaurants serve all kinds of different courses such as; chicken curry, burritos, chili con carne and the Indian restaurants often also offer a cheap evening buffet.

As in most other cities the French and Italian cuisine are the two most popular and by far most well represented types of restaurants in Copenhagen and both cuisines are available in all price ranges.

Gourmet Copenhagen

Walking distance

On R2N.dk we have numerous partner restaurants that are located around the popular areas of Copenhagen like Strøget, Nyhavn, and Store Kongensgade. We also offer a wide variety of restaurants around Rådhuspladsen, Tivoli and on Vesterbrogade. From Copenhagen Central Station (Københavns Hovedbanegård), Nørreport Station or Kgs. Nytorv Metro Station, you will be in walking distance from most of these restaurants.

Finding something in your price range

Similar to the other Scandinavian capitals it is in general quite expensive to dine at a restaurant in Copenhagen. However, price and quality is a quite good match and you can find restaurants in every price level. No matter how much you intend to spend at the restaurant it is possible to save quite a lot just by booking a last-minute offer at one of the R2N partner restaurants showed above.


"Super initiativ og gode rabatter." Steven (Præstø)

"Super koncept. Så kommer vi ud og spise lidt oftere!" Steen (København S)

"Supergodt koncept. Vi har været tilfredse hver eneste gang." Gitte (Greve)